where the streets have no name

Art is the most incredible thing discovered by humans. It’s a form of expression which allows you to vent your thoughts and mirror society. It has a message, but it can be translated by your imagination to anything possible. It’s an abstract feeling waiting to escape your lungs. If you search deeply and open your heart (not just your eyes) the piece of art will whisper you its story.






PS. I know I’ve posted pictures of the streets of Lima before, but I still consider myself a tourist in my own country because it’s full of wonders waiting to be discovered. I simply can’t describe how lucky I am to live in Peru, a country lit up by art and mysterious messages in every corner. Knowing that people gift public walls with art just to make others happy and spread a message ( not for their benefit or selfish purposes) makes me grasp to the hope I have in humanity. 

street art

I now find myself walking through the streets of Barranco in Lima, Peru and I have fallen in love with the secret messages hidden in every wall. Some say graffiti is pointless and doesn’t express anything. But to me it’s an incredible form of art filled with emotion, giving something such as a sidewalk a deeper meaning. Thank you artists.






Our minds need to release junk. The problem is that we rarely say what we feel. We lock ourselves up and build walls around us, which don’t allow words or feelings to penetrate or depart. We dodge problems instead of confronting them. When the truth is, they are what shape us into what we are. We need to have the courage to express ourselves, and do what we feel like doing. We need to talk to others about how we feel. We shouldn’t keep secrets because they are the creators of lies. We need to give us the pleasure of being able to release a smile and permit our hearts to speak. Not necessarily with words, but it needs to be able to unleash the pain, grief and worries.
Got anything to say?





5 minutes

We often don’t take advantage of the time we have, and don’t realize that 5 minutes can be the same as 5 hours or 5 years. Within 5 minutes there is an ever-ending list of things we could do. Smile, explore the city, learn a life lesson, say hi or give complements to random people, take a photo, help someone, draw, dance, laugh, write, have a conversation, meet someone new, fall in love, and make the moment you are currently living unforgettable. Sometimes, I feel like my brain is full of junk, of unnecessary feelings and memories, and I just swirl away from reality as soon as I plug in my headphones. The different strokes made with the guitar are like sparks filling me with electricity. The soft and soothing voice make my muscles relax, and I begin to smile, forgetting the world. It’s an indescribable sensation, the way the drums make a steady beat, making the heart follow it, and the way that you can easily relate to the story it’s telling you… it’s incredible how 5 minutes can change your day.

I took this picture in Valparaiso, Chile, in less than 5 minutes 🙂 I wish I could go back to the sunny days and feel the summer breeze.. 
